Tortoro Madureira e Ragazzi – HML

Family and Succession Law

With experienced and highly specialized professionals, we handle one of the most sensitive areas of law with the discretion, reasonableness and confidentiality necessary to fully defend our clients’ interests. Through our advisory and contentious work, we resolve issues related to marriage, stable unions, prenuptial agreements, property regimes, custody, and the regulation of visits to minors.

We also deal with matters regarding heritage, in the drafting of wills, donation contracts, and institution of usufruct over real estate or shareholdings. In addition, we are able to guide in cases of curatorship, guardianship and interdiction, judicial and extrajudicial inventories, and family or succession planning in corporate matters.

The firm represents clients from a Brazilian legal perspective, in sensitive and complex family law and inheritance law issues, involving conflicts and disputes related to international jurisdictions, specifically in procedures for homologation of foreign judgments, definition of jurisdiction, custody and maintenance, and application of the Hague Convention.

Meet the Partners

Cassio S. Namur

Roberta Cristina Paganini Toledo

Our Awards