Cassio Namur, a member of Tortoro, Madureira & Ragazzi Advogados law firm, moderates the panel “Derecho sucesorio” (Juridicciones comparadas), during the first day of the “II Congresso da Asociación Internacional de Juristas de Derecho de Familia (AIJUDEFA).” The event is held from December 4 to 6, in Chile, and gathers about 130 participants from 14 jurisdictions. Among the speakers, the following are confirmed: Haroldo Brito, President of the Supreme Court of Chile; Patricia Muñoz, National Defender of Niños of Chile; Ricardo Perez Manrique, judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; Lola Muelas López, President of AIJUDEFA; and Daniela Horvitz, President of the Congress in Chile.