Tortoro Madureira e Ragazzi – HML
Arnaldo Rodrigues Neto has been a partner of Tortoro Madureira & Ragazzi Advogados since 2012. He earned a Bachelor of Law from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) in 2004. He has a Graduate Degree in Civil Procedure from Associação dos Advogados de São Paulo (AASP) and an MBA in Corporate Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/LAW). Master of Law in Collective Law Rights and Citizenship, Universidade de Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP/SP).
Throughout his career, Neto has worked at acclaimed Law Firms, focused on Civil, Banking, and Consumer Law, as well as on Litigation Management. He has expertise in lawsuits involving Collective Rights, as well as in the assumption of new legal portfolios and in the performance of due diligences. He accumulates advanced knowledge in people management and operational flows (training and qualification of legal teams), legal process management systems, including as speaker in forums and debates on technology applied to Law and Strategic Legal Management.
Professional Affiliations
Support Group for Children with Cancer (GACC) – Medicine School, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto (FMUSP-RP)
Since Mar. 2021
Member of the IT Committee of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce
Since 2019
Recognized as one of the most admired lawyers in Brazil by the Brazilian publication Análise Advocacia, 2019 edition
ABDCONST. Fundamental consumer rights and its protective overview in Brazilian law: The Importance of constitutional support. Advances and expectations after 30 years of CDC. Link
GOIAS FEDERAL UNIVERSITY (UFG) LAW SCHOOL MAGAZINE,v. 46, n.3. Dec. 2022. Risk Society and sustainability: from Ulrich Beck to the contemporary environmental and consumer crisis and the importance of technological innovation, co-authored with Lucas de Souza Lehfeld. ISSN: 0101-7187. Link
COLLECTIVE GUARDIANSHIP: MATERIAL AND PROCEDURAL ASPECTS. Studies in honor of Prof. Sebastião Sérgio da Silveira. Apr. 2022. Coordinators: Paulo José Freire Teotônio and Ricardo dos Reis Silveira. São Paulo, Imperium Publishing. Theme: THE PRINCIPLE OF CONGRUENCE AND THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DECISIONS IN THE BRAZILIAN COLLECTIVE PROCESS. Prof. Dr. Lucas de Souza Lehfeld; Prof. Dr. Zaiden Geraige Neto and Arnaldo Rodrigues Neto ISBN: 978-65-88491-40-9. Link
JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LAW.São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, v. 29, no. 128, Oct./Dec. 2021. Article: “Democratic rule of law as a structuring principle and the defense of administrative morality”. Prof. Dr. Nuno Morgadinho dos Santos Coelho and Arnaldo Rodrigues Neto. ISSN: 1518-272X Official Publication: IBDC (Brazilian Institute of Constitutional Law). Link
Legal Consultant, May 24, 2021. Central Bank resolution improves regulations for credit cards – Link