Tortoro Madureira e Ragazzi – HML

Caio Medici Madureira
+55 11 3018-4848
São Paulo
Arbitration, Contracts, Civil and Labor Law

2023 – Currently Reading for Master’s in Labor Law, Escola de Direito de São Francisco (VGV/SP)
2008 – Graduate Degree in Corporate Law, Escola de Direito de São Francisco (VGV/SP)
2007 – Graduate Degree in Civil Procedural Law – COEAGE, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP)
2003 – Bachelor’s Degree, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP/SP)

Portuguese and English


Caio Medici Madureira has been a partner of Tortoro, Madureira & Ragazzi Advogados since 2012. His practice area deals with the management and oversight of the following services: process banking, specifically commercial mass credit banking, as well as branding, food, gas and oil and timber. He is skilled in actions in court and in brand response, as well as anticipating large actions and remedies, and is active in all areas of law involving major retail and wholesale brands. He has the skill to plan long-term work and large actions, as well as in advising and providing legal advice in order to act as an expert witness and legal opinionist. Madureira is known as an expert in responding and defending family, health and labor claims, and in proceedings involving large retail brands and banks.

He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), a Graduate Degree in Civil Procedural Law from PUC/SP, and a specialization in Corporate Law from Escola de Direito de São Francisco (VGV/SP). He is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Labor Law and Labor Procedural Law at the Escola Paulista de Direito (EPD). Madureira has received recognition in the areas of Consumer and Labor and Food, banking, building materials and wholesale product segment brands.

Professional Affiliations

Portuguese Bar Association (OAP)
Since September 2023

Brazilian Bar Association (OAB)
Honorary Member of the Special Commission on Lusophone Law of the Federal Council
Since Oct. 2022

Brazilian Association of Corporate Lawyers (ABRAC)
Founding fellow
Since Apr. 2021

Lawyers Institute of São Paulo (IASP)
Member of the Permanent Commission of Contract Law Studies
Since Mar. 2022

Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers (FALP)
Founding fellow
Since Jul. 2020

Former Member of the WTC (World Trade Center) Business Club São Paulo
From Jul. 2016 to Feb. 2020


FALP Magazine (Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers), Volume III, 07/01/2024 – “Right to Development and Public Health: anti-smoking and the ban on electronic cigarettes”, co-authored with José Luiz Ragazzi and Lúcia Helena Polleti Bettini – Link

FALP Magazine (Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers), Volume II, 11/07/2023 – “Right to Development, Artificial Intelligence and the search for Equality”, co-authored with José Luiz Ragazzi and Lúcia Helena Polleti Bettini – Link

Legal Business, September 21, 2023, “Q&A: Tortoro, Madureira & Ragazzi” – Link

Consultor Jurídico, October 02, 2023, “Judge annuls TAC (Conduct Adjustment Agreement) and fines imposed on the industry that outsourced core activities”, in in co-authorship with Rodrigo Souza Macedo – Link

Valor Econômico, June 19, 2023, “Free justice does not exempt workers from paying fees”, in co-authorship with Rodrigo Souza Macedo – Link

FALP (Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers) Magazine, Volume I, November 22, 2022. “Right to Development in the Rule of Law: citizenship, justice and reduction of inequalities”, co-authored with José Luiz Ragazzi and Lúcia Helena Polleti Bettini – Link

Valor Econômico, April 20, 2022. “The legal system is using cell phone location to analyze the right to overtime pay”. Link

Folha de S. Paulo, 10/22/2019. “Wholesaler Roldão is ordered to indemnify outsourced worker for motorcycle theft in parking lot”. Link

Valor Econômico, 8/20/2019. “Labor court system voids agreements and adverse judgments due to illegal outsourcing”. Link

Folha de S. Paulo, 7/24/2019. “Guedes says FGTS will be released every year and confirms a total of R$ 42 billion by 2020”. Link

Valor Econômico, 4/24/2019. “Banks can cancel awards for payment for illegal outsourcing”. Link