Tortoro Madureira e Ragazzi – HML
2008 – Graduate Degree in Collective and Civil Procedural Law, Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP/SP)
2005 – Bachelor’s Degree, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP/SP)
Carlos Augusto Tortoro Jr. has been a partner of Tortoro Madureira & Ragazzi Advogados since 2022. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Universidade Estadual Paulista (2005) and a Graduate Degree in Civil Procedural Law from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (2008). His practice also includes Regulatory Law, Strategic Litigation and the Electricity Market.
Member of the Permanent Administrative Law Commission of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (IASP)
Member of the Infrastructure Committee of the Official Chamber of Commerce in Brazil-Switzerland
Recognized as “Litigation Star” by the North American publication Benchmark Litigation, 2021 edition.
Revista de Direito Constitutional e International, volume 131, May June/2022. “Sector regulation and technical discretion in the Brazilian electricity sector”, in co-authorship with Lúcia Helena Polletti Bettini
Considerations about ANEEL dispatch nº 3622/2020 and the anteriority rule in the formation of the PLD (Difference Settlement Price).” Link
Valor Econômico, November 1st, 2021. “Planning and public policy” – Link
Canal Energia, May 27, 2021. “Harmonics in the Brazilian Electrical System” – Link
O Estado de São Paulo, September 11, 2020. The ICMS exclusion form PIS and COFINS tax base and its effects in the electricity system, co-authored with Danilo Vicari Crastelo and Paola Andrade – Link
O Estado de São Paulo, May 28, 2020. Taxation on electricity: the parameters of the recent STF decision and its consequences for the sector, co-authored with Danilo Vicari Crastelo and Paola Andrade – Link
Valor Econômico, 10/29/2019. “The challenges of a brazilian code of electricity”. Link
Agência Reuters, 8/20/2019. “Zema administration will encounter difficulties in approving cemig privatization, analysts say”. Link
Canal Energia, 5/21/2019. “The electricity market needs to mature”. Link
Canal Energia, 1/31/2019. “Increase in default in the free electricity market”. Link
O Estado de S. Paulo, 9/22/2018. “Distributed generation and economic and financial balance of the grant”. Link