
Portuguese, Italian and Spanish.

Viviane Girardi


Practice Area

Private Law: Contracts, Family Law, Wealth Planning for Individuals and Companies, Property, Civil Liability, Successions.

Viviane Girardi holds a PhD in Civil Law from the University of São Paulo (2019) and a Master’s in Civil Law from the Federal University of Paraná (2002). Viviane is a Specialist in Civil Law from the Scuola di Speciallizzazione in diritto civile dell’Universitá degli studi di Camerino, Italy, (2012). She is a lawyer with expertise in Civil Law, in the advisory and litigation (judicial and arbitration) scope. Viviane has a strong presence in the area of Family and Succession Law, with an emphasis on estate planning for individuals, families and companies, nationally and internationally. Former President of the São Paulo Lawyers Association, AASP, 2021, of which she is an honorary member. She has extensive participation in class entities IBDFAM – Brazilian Institute of Family Law; IBDCIVIL – Brazilian Institute of Civil Law; AIJUDEFA – Asociación Internacional de Juristas de Derecho de Familia; FALP – Federation of Portuguese Speaking Lawyers. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association since 1993. Professor of Civil Law, author of books and legal articles, jurist and speaker.


2019 – Doctorate Degree in Civil Law – Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
2002 – Master’s Degree in Law – Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Paraná
2012 – Specialization in Comparative Civil Law at the Scuola di Specializzazione in diritto civile dell’Universitá degli studi di Camerino, Italy
2006 – Improvement in “Family Businesses – Governance and Legal Planning”, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (GVlaw), São Paulo
1998 – Specialization in “Civil Law – Current Trends in Civil Law”, by the Brazilian Institute of Legal Studies (IBEJ) and Faculdade Positivo, Curitiba
1993 – Specialization in “Contemporary Civil Law and its Fundamental Institutions”, by the Brazilian Institute of Legal Studies and Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUIC-PR), Curitiba
1992 – Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Law Course, Department of Legal and Social Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC-PR), Curitiba.

Additional Information
Professional Affiliations

AASP – Associação dos Advogados de São Paulo
Honorary associate
Since 2022
Vice president
Secretary Director
Director Second Secretary
Cultural Director
Member of the Board of Directors

IBDFAM (Brazilian Family Law Institute)
Member since 1997
Since 2014 – National Jurisprudence Coordinator
20011/2013, 2009/2011, 2007/2009, 2005/2006 – State Director, São Paulo Section

IBDCIVIL – Brazilian Institute of Civil Law
Since Nov. 2012

AIJUDEFA – International Association of Family Law Scholars
Since Nov. 2019
Member of the Admission Committee
Since Jan. 2021

FALP – Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers Founding fellow
Since Oct. 2020

Superior Council for legal Affairs – CONJUR of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP)
Since Feb. 2022


“Inheritance and the Family Business: How to deal with inheritance when the main assets are in a family business”, publisher: UIA – LexisNexis Publications collections, 10/01/2023, Chapter 2, “Working out inheritance in the family business in Brazil”, co-authored with Cassio Namur – Link

Q&A Section do Family Law 2023 Chambers Global Practice Guide, dia 10/04/2023 – Link

Contemporary families, filiation and affection: the legal possibility of adoption by homosexuals. Porto Alegre: Livraria do Advogado, 2005.