Private Pensions

The Private Pensions area of ​​Tortoro, Madureira e Ragazzi Advogados specializes in offering consultancy and comprehensive and strategic litigation in various aspects of Supplementary Pensions, both for open and closed entities. Our team offers support in a variety of services, including detailed analysis of Closed Supplementary Pension Entities (EFPCs) plans and Open Supplementary Pension Entities (EAPCs) regulations. Furthermore, we participate in the preparation, modification and restructuring of benefit plan programs, always aiming for legal compliance and operational effectiveness.

We provide legal opinions and specialized opinions on issues related to benefit plans, whether for closed or open entities, ensuring that our clients are well-advised in their decisions. Our services also include strategic guidance on benefit plan restructuring, such as plan migration, and support during external and internal audits.

We establish and maintain close relationships with the entities’ regulatory and supervisory agencies, ensuring regulatory compliance and solving administrative issues before SUSEP and PREVIC. We also offer legal support in administrative processes and conduct legal actions in all instances, including the Superior Courts, with a strategic approach to defend the interests of our clients.

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