Privacy Policy and the LGPD  

TORTORO, MADUREIRA E RAGAZZI ADVOGADOS  Law No. 13,709/2018, Brazilian General Data Protection Law – “LGPD”, has as one of its central pillars the implementation of Information Security measures that can bring to public and private entities, a culture of greater awareness in the area. The LGPD  considers that, more serious than suffering an attack or…


Digital Law and Data Protection

Digital Law and Data Protection With a team of experienced and specialized professionals, the firm's work includes advising clients on compliance with the legal rules that regulate privacy and protection of personal data, under the scope of the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and also sectoral regulations...



TORTORO MADUREIRA & RAGAZZI IN THE MEDIA July 1, 2024Compliance and Good Practices as Tools for the Effectiveness of the Right to DevelopmentSource: FALP Magazine (Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers) July 1, 2024Right to Development and Public Health: anti-smoking and the ban on electronic cigarettesSource: FALP Magazine (Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers) June 28, 2024Analysis...



Our Team Search Generic filters Hidden label Exact matches only Hidden label Hidden label Hidden label A Alcides Negreti JuniorAline Pinheiro dos SantosAlisson Diniz PascoalAmanda de Souza TheodoroAna Angélica Lima FigueiredoAna Cândida de Paula Ribeiro e Arruda CamposAna Carla de Souza BragaAna Carolina de Oliveira TonelliAna Caroline Batista HonórioAna Julia de Oliveira Gomes da SilvaAna Laura...



News Noticias do STJMantida prisão de funcionário da Latam acusado de ajudar traficantes a enviar cocaína para a EuropaInformativo destaca prazo de manutenção de dados de devedor em cadastro de inadimplentesSTJ cria Centro Judiciário de Solução de ConflitosPleno do STJ se reúne no dia 7 de agosto para análise de projeto de emenda regimentalSuspensa liminar...



Our Team Search Generic filters Hidden label Exact matches only Hidden label Hidden label Hidden label Arnaldo Rodrigues NetoCaio Medici MadureiraCarlos Augusto Tortoro JuniorCassio S. NamurDaniel Sircilli MottaFrederico Augusto VeigaJoão Henrique Conte RamalhoJosé Luiz RagazziLúcia Helena Polleti BettiniMarcos Paulo Machado LemeMarcus Vinicius Moura de OliveiraMaria da Glória ArrudaNestor dos Santos SaragiottoPatricia Miranda PizzolRoberta Cristina Paganini ToledoRodrigo...


Tax Law

Tax Law Our firm provides advice to clients by means of tax diagnosis, obtaining tax incentives, special taxation regimes and installment payments regarding tax and social security matters. Our litigation experience covers administrative and judicial spheres in direct and indirect tax discussions. Contact us Preencha o campo a seguir.


Labor and Employment

Labor and Employment With significant expertise in litigation and advice, our legal services include technical work focused on the analysis of labor contingencies and liabilities, staff restructuring and employee allocation, closing branches or company dissolution, outsourcing services and structuring compensation (salary and benefits). We also participate in the application and development of benefit plans in...



Corporate Our firm represents national and international clients in a wide range of corporate matters, such as incorporation and cessation of business, joint ventures, foundations and associations. Our services also include sales and acquisitions of equity interests and/or assets, preparation of corporate documents (minutes of meetings, shareholders' agreements, members' meeting, amendment of the articles of...


Insurance and Reinsurance

Insurance and Reinsurance Our firm has extensive experience in matters related to insurance and reinsurance, involving the preparation of legal opinions, audits  in lawsuits for measuring claims in reinsurance contracts, portfolio tranfers , roduct analysis, internal policies and controls. Our team also reviews contracts, regulates highly complex claims and defends clients under administrative, judicial and...