

Giulia Bianco Saragiotto


Practice Area

Labor Law


2024 – Master’s – Legal Studies, Emphasis on International Law – MUST University (expected graduation October/2024)
2024 – Postgraduate – Advocacy in Contract Law, Contractual Enforcement and Civil Liability – Legale Educacional
2023 – Improvement course – Contract Negotiation and Contract Formation – Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV)
2023 – Improvement course – Applied Contract Law – Udemy Online Courses
2023 – Improvement course – Oral Support in Practice – Septem Capulus (Improvement Center)
2019 – Postgraduate – Specialization in Tax Law – Instituto Damásio de Direito/IBMEC
2015 – Bachelor’s degree in Law, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas