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Portuguese and English

Guilherme Andrade Zauli

Junior Partner

Pratice Areas

Real Estate, Civil Law and Banking

Guilherme Andrade Zauli works in the areas of real estate, banking and civil law, with solid experience in advising clients in the areas of consultancy, litigation and strategic actions.


2023 (ongoing) – Reading a Masters in Law, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP)
2017 – LLM in Civil Law, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
2012 – Bachelor’s degree in Law, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC/MG)

Additional Information

Participation in Entities

Real Estate Brazilian Institute (IBRADIM)
Real Estate Credit Comission
Since February/2022

São Paulo Lawyers Institute (IASP)
Real Estate Comission
Since February/2023


Scientific Research Publishing and Beijing Law Magazine – 06/28/2024 – Analysis of the Impossibility of Refunding Surplus in Real Estate Contracts Guaranteed by Fiduciary Alienation in the Case of Negative Auctions and the Negative Effects arising from Non-compliance with the Current Rule – co-authored with José Ragazzi – Link

The Controversial Issue of Liability for Condominium Expenses in Relation to Properties Encumbered with Fiduciary Guarantees and Its Effects on the Brazilian Real Estate Credit Market
Date: December 01, 2023

Responsibility of banks in construction defects and the position of the STJ – Conjur
Date: January 30, 2023

Considerations of the different phases of extrajudicial execution in contracts governed by law 9,514/97 with the amendments to Law 13.465/2018 – Thomson Reuters Real Estate Magazine
Date: May 30, 2022

Negative effects of applying Precedent 308 of the STJ to fiduciary alienation – Conjur

Would STJ Precedent 308 actually be a benefit to end consumers? – Jota
Date: December 13, 2020

MP enables sharing of fiduciary guarantee – Conjur
Date: August 23, 2020

Payment of rent in the pandemic scenario – Estadão
Date: May 03, 2020

New type of real estate credit. A good deal? – Estadão
Date: September 07, 2019

STJ confirms it is impossible for the Federal Revenue to tax real estate exchanges – Conjur
Date: July 07, 2019

Legislation regulates multi-property – Valor Econômico
Date: March 12, 2019

Drop in SFI interest rates can boost the real estate sector – Estadão
Date: October 19, 2018

Unregistered purchase and sale contract does not guarantee property – Conujr
Date: December 10, 2018