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Portuguese, English and Spanish

Lúcia Helena Polleti Bettini


Practice Area(s)

Constitutional, Administrative, Education and Communication Law

Lúcia Helena Polleti Bettini has been a partner of Tortoro Madureira & Ragazzi Advogados since 2018. Her practice involves State Law, focusing on Administrative, Constitutional, Educational and Communication Law, particularly in proceedings, articles and legal opinions. In addition to being an expert at Consumer and Banking Law, Bettini also makes oral arguments and brief orders in Courts.

She holds a PhD and is Master of State Law, specializing in the subarea of Constitutional Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP). She works as Professor of Law at the Center of Communication and Languages of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM); at the School of Law and Humanities of Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS) and at the Brazilian Institute of Education in Public Management (IBEGESP). Bettini is also a Guest Professor at Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) and at Escola do Parlamento Paulista (EPP), and also works as Professor for various Graduate Degree programs.

She is also a Member of the Brazilian Institute of Constitutional Law (IBDC) and the Brazilian Institute of Contract Law (IBDCONT), and is part of the editorial board of several legal magazines.

Co-author of several books, such as: Cuidado e Cidadania: desafios e possibilidades; Comentários ao Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência; Direitos Humanos: promoção e proteção; Interfaces do Direito Constitucional: o teatro; Território e Territorialidades: estudos interdisciplinares; Hermenêutica Constitucional: homenagem aos 22 anos do grupo de estudos Professora Maria Garcia. Bettini has written several articles published in specialist law magazines.


2009 – Ph.D in State Law, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP)
2004 – Master of State Law, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP)
1996 – Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU/SP)
1987 – Bachelor’s Degree in Social Communication, Specialization in Public Relations (FIAM/SP)

Additional information
Professional Affiliations

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM)
Deputy Ph.D Professor I at the School of Law, Center of State Law and Center of Communication and Languages (CCL)
From Aug. 2013 to Feb. 2021

Brazilian Institute of Contract Law – IBDCONT
Since Aug. 2019

Brazilian Institute of Constitutional Law – IBDC
Since May 2006

Academic activity
Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS)
Public Servant Professor at School of Law and Humanities
Since Aug. 2000

Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC)
Guest Professor
Since 2013

Guest Professor, focused on qualifying Public Managers
Since May 2017

Centro Universitário Assunção (UNIFAI)
Professor for Bachelor and Graduate Degree programs
2002 to 2013
Coordinator of the Law Program
2008 to 2013 (elected by peers for 3 consecutive terms)

Faculdade de Direito do Sul de Minas (FDSM)
Professor of Theory of Constitution for Graduate/Master’s Degree programs
Professor of Introduction to the Study of Law for Bachelor’s Degree programs
From 2014 to 2015


FALP Magazine (Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers), Volume III, 07/01/2024 – “Right to Development and Public Health: anti-smoking and the ban on electronic cigarettes”, co-authored with Caio Medici Madureira and José Luiz Ragazzi – Link

FALP Magazine (Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers), Volume II, 11/07/2023 – “Right to Development, Artificial Intelligence and the search for Equality”, co-authored with Caio Medici Madureira and José Luiz Ragazzi – Link

FALP (Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers) Magazine, Volume I, November 22, 2022 – “Right to Development in the Rule of Law: citizenship, justice and reduction of inequalities”, co-authored with Caio Medici Madureira and José Luiz Ragazzi – Link

CONJUR, July 14, 2022 – Metaverse, law and technology: is there a limit to the virtual world? Link

Revista de Direito Constitucional e Internacional, volume 131, May June/2022 – Sector regulation and technical discretion in the Brazilian electricity sector, in co-authorship with Carlos Augusto Tortoro Junior

CONJUR, May 31, 2022. Suppression of Credit Guarantees without Creditors’ Consent in Court-supervised Reorganization: illegality and unconstitutionality, co-authored with Jose Luiz Ragazzi – Link